
Archive for August 20th, 2008

I’m a busy mom who is constantly on the go (who isn’t, right?). I thought it’d be fun today to share a couple of my favorite “finds” that make my life a little easier.

Swivel Sweeper

My mom got this for me almost a year ago. I love it!! It’s lightweight & so easy to use. I keep it in my pantry so I can pick up messes right away. Now, when the crumbs end up on the floor & dirt is tracked into the house, I don’t have to haul out the vacuum every time. I just get out the my trusty Swivel & sweep away! Also, it gets right up along tight edges. The head of our vacuum is too big to get the crumbs right along the cabinets, fridge & dishwasher. I would have to use the vacuum hose or the broom to get those places. But the swivel sweeper gets right up there. Trust me, this is one you definitely want in you cleaning arsenal!

Buehler’s Peanut Butter Cup Cookies

I had these at my friend, Maria’s, house for the first time & I’ve been addicted since! You can find these at Aldi’s. They actually have little peanut butter cups in the dough! The dough is premade & precut. You just break it apart, put on the cookie sheet & bake for 15 minutes. I keep these handy in the fridge – I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve needed to quickly throw a batch in the oven. They’re a hit every time! I’ve also tried Buehler’s Chocolate Chip and Snickerdoodle cookies and they rock. I just bought their Oatmeal Cranberry Walnut & I can’t wait to give that a try too!

Stain Remover Concoction

Sorry, it’s the best name I have for it. One of the reasons why I dread laundry days is because I spend so much time fighting to get those darn stains out! It all started when Ava was a baby & I was introduced to those little jars of baby food. I tell you, carrots were my arch nemesis! They not only tinted her face orange, they were a beast to get out. And, bibs didn’t always cut it, you know? Ava loved flicking the spoon with her hand, spending gloppy carrots everywhere. Of course, some always landed on me too. Anyway, I looked online for stain removers and came across this “recipe.” It’s awesome! Items I probably would have had to either throw away or turn into paint shirts have been saved by this.

Here it is:

1 cup powder dishwashing detergent (I use Cascade)

1 cup powder color safe bleach (I use Clorox 2)

Fill laundry tub as high as you need (I usually set it to small load) & let the clothes soak overnight.

In the morning, run the wash cycle as you normally would. I like to run it again using regular laundry detergent & toss them in the dryer as usual.

Here’s an example from just this morning…

Grady’s t-shirt BEFORE:

Grady’s t-shirt AFTER!

And speaking of Graders…

He’s also a great find…I highly recommend him!!

How about you?

Got any hidden gems?

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